sábado, 12 de mayo de 2012

cicely herbert (reino unido,1865 - 1935) // poems

(Poem #938)

everything changes after brecht, 'alles wandelt sich'

everything changes. we plant
trees for those born later
but what's happened has happened, and poisons poured into the seas
cannot be drained out again.

what's happened has happened
poisons poured into the seas
cannot be drained out again, but
everything changes. we plant
trees for those born later.

everything changes (brecht original)

everything changes. you can make
a fresh start with your final breath.
but what has happened has happened. and the water
you once poured into the wine cannot be
drained off again.

what has happened has happened. the water
you once poured into the wine cannot be
drained off again, but
everything changes. you can make
a fresh start with your final breath.


over and over
the physiotherapist recites
a litany of bones:

'calcaneus, talus, navicular,
medical cuneiform, sesamoid
lateral cuneiform, sacrum,
femur, hip, patella,
tib and fib, metatarsal,
calcaneus, talus, navicular . . .'

metatella tibble fibble petatarsel
dopey from drugs we don't retain the names.

she wills us to smile, draws cartoons
of movement we must make.
her comic heroine's zazel
a human canonball with scarlet lips
whose flexi-limbs contort
more readily than ours.

unmonkey-like, in cots, we cling to the trapeze
no body-builders, test our strength with weights
pump muscles, clench our fists, bend knees.
patient she appaluds each small advance
and promises reward for work well done.
I crave an entertainment 'and it must be good.'

next day a junior physio, evening student
at the city lit of circus skills,
bows to my feet and juggles, just for me.
from such pleasures healing comes.
i crow for joy and swear i will recover.

cicely herbert // horses of tartary (music by saint saens, carnival of the animals)

martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

bertha amalie «leni» riefenstahl (alemania, 1902 - 2003) // olympia. 11

bertha amalie «leni» riefenstahl (alemania, 1902 - 2003) // olympia. 10

bertha amalie «leni» riefenstahl (alemania, 1902 - 2003) // olympia. 9

bertha amalie «leni» riefenstahl (alemania, 1902 - 2003) // olympia. 8

bertha amalie «leni» riefenstahl (alemania, 1902 - 2003) // olympia. 7

bertha amalie «leni» riefenstahl (alemania, 1902 - 2003) // olympia. 6

bertha amalie «leni» riefenstahl (alemania, 1902 - 2003) // olympia. 5

bertha amalie «leni» riefenstahl (alemania, 1902 - 2003) // olympia. 4

bertha amalie «leni» riefenstahl (alemania, 1902 - 2003) // olympia. 3

bertha amalie «leni» riefenstahl (alemania, 1902 - 2003) // olympia. 2

bertha amalie «leni» riefenstahl (alemania, 1902 - 2003) // olympia. 1

alexander kluge (alemania, 1932 - ) & peter schamoni (alemania, 1934 - 2011) // brutalitat in stein (brutalidad en piedra), 1961